In this edition, you’ll read about tough decision-making by the pros, the cool universe of the Throdle mobile app, and one track manager’s take on why drifting and its amazing community feel like family.

This track manager’s words say it all! Meet AJ Moore of Lake Erie Speedway and his friends at DRIFT PAOHNY.
2023 Skid Pod Episodes:
Get ready to party with this edition! Not only do we feature the latest and greatest No Coast Drift Party, but we give you the complete snapshot of DriftCon’s annual event lineup that ends with drifting under the stars. This edition also covers FD’s 20th anniversary and a few pivotal FD stops in 2023.
Calling all Northwest drifting fans - you don’t want to miss this crazy cool event under the lights!
It’s Labor Day weekend and time for the 13th Annual No Coast Drift Party! So, what are you waiting for? You know you and your drifting friends won’t regret it!
This is the fifth year we’ll see our beloved pros compete at CROSSROADS in St. Louis, and nearly every time, they’ve had to navigate a new or updated track layout. Let’s see what this year’s track has in store!